
It took me a while to finally write my “acceptance post” for The Versatile Blogger Award. Not only have I had an exceptionally hectic week, but I just wasn’t sure how to write a fitting post to convey my gratitude. I was nominated by Gupreet, the inspiring author of Rebranding Life. If you haven’t read her work already, I strongly suggest you take a trip over to her blog to follow her journey on “100 days to a new me,” which is very inspiring at educational!

I struggled with writing this because I’m profoundly honored that I was deemed worthy of an award! Honestly, when I started blogging just over one month ago, I didn’t anticipate anyone actually wanting to read this. I wasn’t prepared for the unconditional acceptance I received in such a short amount of time, and I truly couldn’t imagine all of the talented and inspirational writers I’d meet along the way. Being that I’m essentially a socially awkward introvert in person, it touches me that I’ve gained support through my writing. After all, this is the way I’m able to best express myself. So before I continue with the acceptance of this award, I want to tell you all how sincerely appreciative I am for your reading, following, support, and encouragement.

A requisite of this award is to share seven interesting facts about myself. I had trouble coming up with these for a while, until I decided to go really deep within and reveal more about myself than anyone knows, with the exception of my husband. Though these are very significant parts of who I am, I intend on not elaborating too extensively to prevent losing your attention. I hate boring others with talk about myself. I’m honestly nervous right now, knowing I’m making myself highly vulnerable right now, and exposing myself to public scrutiny.  So without further ramblings, here are seven facts about myself, which I believe might inspire some interest from you:


  1. I was bullied severely for the entirety of my years in junior high. I say severely because it went far beyond name-calling. I was pushed into lockers, thrown into trashcans, pushed down bleachers, and there was rarely a day where my books weren’t knocked out of my hands and things weren’t thrown at me. I was a victim of cyber bullying, which basically consisted of my peers telling me to kill myself. It breaks my heart to remember that I got dangerously close to following their orders numerous times.

Some victims of bullying will say it made them stronger, gave them thicker skin. Unfortunately, I’m not one of them. In my case, it gave me a softer, more compassionate heart. Two people, who were very close to me committed suicide. I often wonder if I could have prevented it. Though I know I can’t go back in time, I know that I never want to be the reason why someone would give up on life. Thus, I tend to worry about people, more than they worry about themselves. I will do anything to not hurt someone, even if it results in me hurting myself or going against my own wishes. Sometimes I hate myself for being a doormat, for caring about people who don’t give a shit about me. Though, I’d much rather treat an undeserving person with dignity than to turn my back on someone who is struggling deeply. Who am I to judge?

  1. I was the drum major (field commander) in marching band. In other words, I was the leader of the band geeks J. It had been a deep aspiration of mine ever since my elementary years. I even convinced the director to let me join the high school marching band while I was still in junior high, to gain more experience and seniority. Before I became drum major, I played the flute for three years. When I talk about it to non-band geeks (or bandzies, as we called ourselves), I take joy in starting my stories, “So this one time, at band camp…”
  2. I met my husband at Wal-Mart. I was sixteen, he was eighteen and an employee in the shoe department. I was nervous as hell to approach him, but there was something besides his devilish good looks that told me I absolutely had to meet him. Now I recognize that was my soul talking. We’ve been through a hell of a lot in the eight years we’ve been together, but those stories are for another time. Moral of the story: you can find love in the most unexpected places.
  3. In high school, I graduated seventh in my class with a 4.25 GPA (weighted honors courses, in case you’re wondering). My senior year, I was dual-enrolled in college as well. In college, I was on the Dean’s List every semester and graduated with a 3.96 GPA. Now I’m not saying these things to brag, and I don’t find any pride in doing so. The point of this is that I looked to numbers and distinctions as validation of my self-worth. Though they represented my dedication and diligence to academics, they don’t confirm who I am. It wasn’t until I graduated that I realized I missed out on several experiences because I was always trying to prove myself.
  4. My ultimate goal in life, besides being a published author and giving back to the world that has given me so much, is to establish at least one animal shelter. My main cause is the safety and welfare of animals, and it isn’t until I create another sanctuary for them that I’ll feel significantly accomplished.  Though, my shelter will be more than that. It will not only act as a sanctuary for these animals but will also include proper training and socialization for them, as to increase their chances of finding a forever home.
  5. I don’t conform to a particular religion, nor do I feel people should be excluded or condemned based on their beliefs. If I were to identify the religion and spirituality that best describes my views and way of life, it would be Taoism.
  6. I’m bipolar. Aside from my immediate family and my closest friend, you are the only one(s) I’ve disclosed this to. I highly debated coming out with this, at the risk of having myself and my writing evaluated based on a stereotype. Though I’m stabilized from any severe symptoms that would require hospitalization, I do have to manage other symptoms on a daily basis. It took me several years to accept this diagnosis, although it gave me the comfort of knowing exactly why I’d had so many debilitating episodes in my life. Even with a psychology major and knowing the biology behind it, I’m still embarrassed and hate to be judged based on a diagnosis. The truth is, acknowledging this condition and effectively treating it has allowed me to finally be “me.” At this point, I feel it’s more important to expose myself in the hopes of disproving this stereotype, than to hide safely and allow this injustice to perpetuate. This is a significant part of me that I will undoubtedly discuss in the future.


Whew. Bet you weren’t expecting something so intense! But I laid it all on the line, no regrets.

So the second part of accepting this award is nominating ten other writers whom I feel are deserving of a nomination. I’ve found extreme difficulty in limiting the list because I’ve read so many spectacular blogs. However, I’ll focus on those who have struck a particular significance with me, in no particular order:

-Jennifer, the author of Properly Ridiculous. Her daily anecdotes always bring laughter and joy to my days. I admire her greatly and was surprised at how quickly we “clicked.”

-Stephanie, a.k.a. Little Miss Menopause. Being that she’s somewhat of a celebrity around here, I’d be surprised if you haven’t read her feisty and comical perspectives on life. She is very kind and we share a common OCD-ness. Though, if I met her in person, I’d probably be intimidated by her unbounded zest and quick wit.

Alienora, who has wildly intriguing views that are both bold and richly contemplative. Though she’s received a versatile blogger award before, I’m nominating her again because I truly admire her courage.

-Fred (the dog), from Love Your Dog. Being an absolute animal lover (especially a dog person), I take great joy in reading her posts. Not only are they delightfully entertaining, but she promotes the proper training and treatment of your pets and advocates adoption from animal shelters. Also, she is a very talented writer, especially for a dog. Maybe she can teach my girls a few tricks?

Forgotten Correspondence. As the name implies, each post is a correspondence from one character to another. I am astounded by Chris’ talent to portray such different voices and to tell such an engaging story in just one letter. He has a book on Amazon that I have no doubt is just as captivating and is on my “to read” list.

Soul Food. No, this is not just a site with delicious recipes that will make your stomach grumble in envy. This blog is filled with thought-provoking posts that give hope and motivation to create a more peaceful world and live a more meaningful life.

-Chris, from 61 Musings. Her blog has brought me the comfort of knowing that I’m not the only introvert out there. She’s created a very supportive community and writes to entertain, connect, and guide those who are often misunderstood in social interactions. Even if you don’t consider yourself an introvert, I believe you’ll greatly enjoy her insightful writing.

-Caroline from 101 Challenges in 1,001 Days. If you’re looking for some inspiration and motivation to take charge of your life and tackle your challenges, this is the blog to read. I greatly enjoy her light humored updates on her journey to live a fuller life, and her fiction is very enthralling as well.

-Janice, from Medicinal Meadows. My goodness, if you are looking for breathtaking photography and poignant poetry, you must visit her blog. Her writing allows me to slow down and enjoy the beauty in life, after a stressful day.

-Last, but definitely not least, Atreyee from @Zebra Crossing. There is a great variety in her stories and poetry, and she never fails to grip me from the first sentence. Whenever you’re in search of adventure, take a trip over to her lovely blog.


If you’ve made it this far through my post, I express my sincere gratitude and my assurance that you’re approaching the finish line! I did my best not to bore, but I felt it was a perfect opportunity to better introduce myself and to give fellow writers the recognition they deserve. I greatly apologize if you happened not to appear on my nomination list, but I assure you that I wouldn’t follow any blog that I didn’t feel possessed great talent and content. I am immensely grateful for your support and kind words.


With genuine gratitude,


27 thoughts on “Acceptance

  1. Congratulations, Adelie – wonderful news. Your sharing is very brave and fascinating (if sad) to read. Thanks so much for nominating me; I was very touched. xxx


  2. Pingback: Accepting The versatile Blogger . | Love your dog

  3. Adelie ! I kept having to pause while rereading this particular post and let each one of your 7 revelations permeate. Quite honestly, I have always though of you as older (instead of the same age as my firstborn!) because your words and wisdom are so far beyond your years. And now I can see why. Your experiences are those of several lifetimes. I just wanted to say a few words about each if that’s permitted? I’m going to put a Key Word after each one as a quick link to what it triggers in me when I read.
    1. As a parent, it’s VERY hard to read of this happening to a girl (daughter) because I think of “mean girls” as verbally abusing one another. And then all I have to do is teach my daughter(s) that words can’t hurt her. (Yeah, right! Fist lie already, huh?!!) But to contemplate and visualize you going thru that kind of hell, words cannot suffice what I think of our society. The fact that you came thru that with so much empathy for others is a testament to the strength of your spirit. Keyword: INTENSITY
    2. Drums! You literally “marched to the beat of your own drum!! And flute as well. Besides being so obviously musical, I am giving this the Keyword: INDIVIDUALITY
    3. I love this simple story of meeting and recognizing Love! You’re obviously highly people perceptive. Trusting your gut feelings and instincts. Keyword: INTUITIVE
    4. This is a tough one because our society is so completely obsessed with measurements. Numbers on scales. Grades. Richter Scales. Rankings. Ugh! I betcha you made a lot of people proud of you! But your last line is the most telling of all. Therefore… Keyword: INTROSPECTIVE
    5. Wow. What amazing and meaningful goals. I relate to both. (I just adopted a rescue dog and when people come up to me and say how lucky she is, I correct them, “No – – I AM the lucky one.”) Anyhow, it’s quite evident that You will achieve these things in life and so much more. Because….Keyword: AMBITIOUS
    6. You’ll refuse to be labeled or boxed in or “typed.” People will look upon you the same way you look upon the world. Keyword: OPEN-MINDED
    7. This last one is the one that really struck me. You’re so extraordinarily sensitive, self-aware and insightful. I love how you’ve expressed and made yourself vulnerable with acknowledging this diagnosis and yet it’s apparent that it does not nor it will ever define you. Have you read this blog from WeaverGrace? I really admire you as a woman, a writer and as an individual with passions that run deep. You have no idea how much you have helped others by revealing this 7th “fact.” Therefore…. Keyword: INFLUENTIAL

    How fascinating! All my keywords begin with vowels. Anyhow, I just did that for my own organizational thoughts but please know that this post of yours defies words and is all about emotion and thought and belief and heart & soul!

    PS. Thank you so much for mentioning me. I’ve never been nominated before and it means a lot that you would think of me in this way. Best of all, I get to check out the blogs that someone I respect so much likes!

    Take care,



    • Oh my goodness, Stephanie. I can’t possibly express my gratitude for such a thoughtful, meaningful, and sentimental post. My smile grew with each paragraph, though I almost wanted to cry as well. No one has ever spoken or written such kind and powerful words to me. Nor have I ever felt more understood than I do now. God, I honestly can’t express how much this means to me. I predicted I’d be at least the twentieth person to nominate you, but I did so anyway to illustrate how much I admire you as a writer and a woman. You bring such great joy and sense of connection to your readers’ lives. So while your writing is an expression of yourself, I want you to know that it is also a very generous gift you’re giving to your readers! I could easily write a few more pages worth of my gratitude for your kindness, support, encouragement and inspiration, but it still wouldn’t suffice. I’m profoundly grateful for everything you do, and I’m excited to read your acceptance post!
      With love and gratitude,

      PS. Thank you for the link to Weaver Grace. I’m excited to reading more of her work. Also, I’m so happy to hear you’re a fellow shelter pup mommy. I’ve heard the saying that “my shelter dog rescued me,” and I believe you can vouch with me the truth in that statement. Though, your doggie is very lucky to have such a caring, creative, and fabulous mommy!


  4. Thank you 100 times over, Lady! I talked my husband’s ear off for quite an extensive amount of time regarding how purely honored I feel that you think well enough of my writing to acknowledge it in this way.

    You are so talented & I am so happy we stumbled across each other. I always look forward to reading your ideas & words – this post certainly did not disappoint.
    You’re an amazing person who has clearly been through a lot.

    I (with I’m sure many others) thank you for entrusting this community of awesome people with your story. You’re strong & I admire you.


    • I am so glad to know I’ve brought a smile to your day, as you have brought so many to mine! You are so compassionate and inspirational, and I always thoroughly enjoy your writing. I sincerely appreciate your kind words commending my strength, being that I’ve never really attributed that trait to myself. After all, we all face challenges at some point in our lives. I’m just so fortunate to have this unconditional support and acceptance, and I hope I can give back all that’s been given to me. I greatly appreciate you sharing your wonderful talent and your wonderful camaraderie!


  5. Pingback: What a way to celebrate my 100th Post – Versatile Blogger Award | 101 Challenges in 1001 Days

  6. Congratulations Adelie! Well deserved. You’re very brave and I thank you for sharing a bit of yourself. Continue being yourself because your *self* is wonderful and inspiring, talented and generous. I don’t know you personally and have never met you but from the first time I read your work and our subsequent interactions it was plain to me that you are a warm and loving soul. Your energy is positive and vibrant and I’m a person who reads energy very well. Everything you’ve been through has and will make you stronger and it will inspire you and your creativity even more. I admire your goal as I’m an animal lover as well especially dogs! ❤ I look forward to watching your star rise even higher! Peace and love sister! 🙂


    • Goodness, you always find a way to make my smile grow even larger! 😀 I truly appreciate you reading the post and accepting me for all that I am! It’s funny because as I was reading your comment, all the things you were saying were exactly what I would say about you (although you have greater skill at weaving words together more beautifully)! So, it’s an even greater compliment to hear that someone so wonderful as yourself thinks so much of me. I’m always excited when I see another poem of yours, because they never disappoint in the stories they tell and the technical and creative genius behind them. You’re a wonderful woman and a magnificently skilled writer, and I hope our paths cross someday so I can give you a big hug!!! I can’t express my gratitude for your support and friendship enough! ❤ ❤ ❤


      • You’re too kind… 🙂 I humbly accept all your kind words and I ask that you accept mine and everyone else’s as a true recognition of your talent and positive energy.
        We’re on a similar journey and I recognise you as a kindred spirit. You are a blessing and a gift and I wish you continued growth in your talent and personal life. I look forward to that day my friend! ❤ Namaste ❤


  7. Pingback: My Failed Attempt at a Brief Award Post |

  8. Hi Adelie, firstly thanks for the honour. It means much to me, but when I read this post of yours it means so much more. You are one of the few people I know that say it how it is, and more importantly have the courage to say it to themselves first.
    More power to you my dear. Hope you continue creating magic 🙂


    • My goodness, I can’t tell you how much your kind words have moved me. I seldom, if ever, think of myself as courageous, and that is actually a trait I’ve been recently attempting to develop. So, your comment came to me at just the perfect time. I suppose everyone is courageous in their own way. I sincerely mean it when I say that I’m a great admirer of yours and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my lengthy posts and to leave such inspiring messages! I send my love and wishes of wellness! 🙂


Every comment is artfully appreciated!