Strictly Business

copyright-Kent Bonham

Derrick takes his mark in a leather jacket and weathered jeans.

I’ve only seen him on screen…until now.

Chloe, right?”

Y-yes.” I stumble forward, only inches from his chest.

You can relax.” He smirks.

I stifle a giggle as the crew makes their calls.


Derrick’s steely eyes ignite with lust. “I’ve finally found you.” He pulls me closer.

Until you lose me again.” I scoff.

Believe in me. Nothing but death can separate us now.”

He presses his lips to mine, and the cameras fade away.

Desire for this man grows deeper within me than my role requires.

****This is my submission for this week’s Friday Fictioneers. This time, I decided to make it an even 100 words in length. I do hope you enjoyed it, and I believe you’ll find delight in reading some of the other submissions. Thanks for reading!









62 thoughts on “Strictly Business

  1. Is it any surprise that Hollywood is nearly incestuous? Separation of fiction and reality seems nearly impossible.


    • Helena,
      Thank you so much for reading and for the thoughtful feedback. I often wonder, whenever watching films or productions, how the actors truly relate with one another behind the scenes.


      • I’ve heard of some actors/actresses who do things to deliberately make the action nearly intolerable to avoid such distractions (ie. coffee breath, onions, etc…)


        • Wow, I’ve never heard of that. It’s so interesting to get a glimpse into the industry. I find it fascinating that some actors can portray such a persuasive relationship to the audience, when in reality, they may not really know, or even like, each other. Please do share if you have any other intriguing tidbits!


  2. I enjoyed this piece the issue of on-screen/off-screen relationships is one that emerges from time to time. I think the very good actors have a clear sense of the line between the two. But I can well imagine a situation like you mention happening, after all we are only human. Well done.


    • Thank you so much for reading and for sharing your thoughts. I definitely agree that it must take a well-seasoned actor to discern between the role and reality. Like you said, I believe connecting deeper than a particular role is human tendency . Perhaps the strongest sense of professionalism might not even be enough to prevent it from manifesting.


      • The mark of the good actor is that ability to make your role believable and to achieve that the relationship between the actors is crucial. Though I do take your point about the human nature of people as we have often heard of relationships developing from the theatre set. Good discussion this one.


    • I greatly appreciate your lovely feedback, Shandra! Though, sometimes no matter how much you warn someone, there’s no stopping the inevitable! 😉 Some people just have to learn these things themselves! Thanks again!


        • And by the way, I must explain why I didn’t leave a comment when I read your “Traffick Fatality” piece yesterday. I was sincerely moved by the story, but I felt that any response I left you wouldn’t do it justice, being how devastating of a reality it is. You conveyed a truth that captivated everyone who read it. I was just at a loss for words, and leaving a comment like “great piece” or “well told,” wouldn’t have sufficed, in my opinion.


          • Adelie, thanks for telling me, though. Writing something that stuns some to silence, while wonderful (if it’s in the right way), is also a bit disconcerting to the author. So I really appreciate what you just said.



    • Thanks for reading and for leaving such a kind response, Sorchia! In films that I find truly compelling, I often wonder how the actors could possibly portray a false relationship so convincingly. I’m hoping that maybe Derrick does fall for Chloe. 🙂


    • I’m not sure how I missed this comment until now, so I sincerely apologize for taking so long to reply. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read this and to leave such a thoughtful reply. I debated for a while what to title this piece and changed it up a few times before finally settling on this one. I’m glad it fit well and tied in with Chloe’s perceptions- as this was my intention! Thank you so much, again!


  3. Screen legend Alice Faye was asked what it was like to kiss Tyrone Power: “Like I died and went to heaven!” It happens still.
    Gimme more. I’d like to know why this girl got this part. 🙂


    • Ah, see before your comment, my imagination led only to what might happen after this scene. Now, you’ve brought a completely different playground to my mind with the question of how Chloe landed her role. Thank you so very much for the inspiration, and a HUGE thank you for the captivating photograph! 😀


  4. Hey Adelie!
    As a theater dad, I have witnessed such passion on the stage and have heard about it off stage as well! Well done!


  5. I’ve often wondered what it must be like getting romantic with a stranger (as an actor, I mean, nothing kinky) – I suppose falling for them must make it a bit easier! Great story.


    • Thank you so much for reading and for the intriguing reply. Yes, I think it would be easier to fall for someone with whom you’re portraying a romantic relationship. I guess I attribute this to the psychology that if you smile/laugh enough (even if it’s fake and forced), it’s been shown to activate the same neurotransmitters as genuine happiness. So, it’s my guess that even if a romance is fake or forced, the probability of those feelings carrying into reality is increased, at least to some degree. Thanks again for stopping by! 🙂


  6. Good story with well-written description of physical feelings. When I read about romances between actors, I’m never sure if it isn’t publicity as people are paid good money to keep actor’s names in the news. My daughter’s been in the profession since college and she thinks of her fellow actors as good friends. She’s never dated one of them.


    • Thank you very much for reading and for the interesting response. I never quite considered the role of media involved with this. Though it makes sense, being that publicity is a large aspect of the business. My interest in Hollywood gossip died several years back, as I don’t find deception and marketing ploys very entertaining. By the sounds of it, several actors in that business have a thing or two to learn from your daughter’s professionalism. Thanks again for leaving such a thoughtful comment.


    • Thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts! I did my best to convey that he is, in fact, a player, but the 100 word limit prevented me from expanding upon that as much as I would’ve wanted to. I’m glad that you were able to pick up on it though! Thanks, again!


  7. This was lovely! I like the “untold story” there. I like the imagery. I like the hint of a relationship and I love the setting as well. I found myself saying “Whooooooo!”… towards the end, I’d love to see where this story could go! 😀 Well done!


    • I’m glad to have captivated you in such a way. I’m amazed to see all the different emotions I’ve evoked through this. I think you’re the first to find the steaminess in the story, which was actually my first intention! 😀 Thanks so much for reading and for the lovely comment!


  8. My wife has forbid me from taking acting lessons for just this reason. To be fair, I have no interest so she is not ruining my dreams, it’s more of a joke between us. I really enjoyed your story!


    • Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts, Lewis! I decided to write about this because I feel it’s definitely a natural possibility for the acting scenario; however, I also believe that it’s more common among novice actors. You know, you and your wife could take acting classes together! 😀 My husband and I took a swing dance course together back in college, and it was a good thing! It felt really awkward when I’d have to dance with the other guys so I was glad to have him as my usual partner! Thanks for reading!


  9. uh-oh. someone’s gonna end up with a broken heart. he’s so going to take advantage of her emotions. great story. i know it’s too much to hope that she changes the player but i hope she does and that he falls for her too 🙂 🙂


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