What are you meditating on?

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Worry is just a meditation on shit.”

Thanks for Sharing

Just a quick thought here. The husband and I went to the store to rent a video this weekend. I felt like choosing a movie just by its cover. This cover had Gwyneth Paltrow and Mark Ruffalo on it. They were smiling while looking at eachother, which in my mind is a symbol for romantic comedy. The rational husband said I should research the movie first, but I felt like being a little spontaneous.

Long story short- it is not a nice little chick flick that one can easily watch while drinking a glass of moscato and spooning a tub of Breyers ice cream their significant other.

Nope. This was a drama about sex addiction, with tiny bits of comedy sprinkled throughout.

Despite some of the slightly uncomfortable moments, it was a decent film. Though, I highly doubt I’ll be itching to watch it again.

Sometimes when I’m a little dissappointed, I search for the hidden gems. To me, this quote was a hidden gem.

I’ve worried my entire life, and as we all know, worrying is a complete waste of time. When I catch myself worrying, I try to tell myself the whole song and dance about me losing the gift of the present by focusing on something that may or may not happen. No dosage of meds has magically wiped away my ability to worry about whether or not I’ll make it to work on time, how healthy my parents are, or if I’m going to live long enough to have children.

So maybe, I need to be a little more direct in reminding myself about the uselessness of worrying.

I’m going to take this little mantra for a test drive. This one might be a little harsh or blunt, but I think it might be what I need, and I wanted to share it in case you might need it too!

And a happy Monday to you,



15 thoughts on “What are you meditating on?

    • Thank you so very much for wandering on over here and leaving such a lovely comment.I’m usually a fan of the flowery inspirational quotes- not so much the blunt matter-of-fact ones. I’m really glad you enjoyed this! 😀


    • I’m truly sorry to hear you’re bogged down, Dawn. Yes, sometimes it’s hard to keep our heads up when everything around us is radiating negativity and hopelessness. Though, you lifted me up when I most needed it, so I hope I can do the same for you. When the biggest things seem dismal, I attempt to look at the smaller things, whose beauty I often take for granted. When I was recently struggling with my depression, I would sit on the front porch and just look at the world. One night, a firefly sat on the railing right beside me, and I thought “Ok, maybe there’s light past this darkness of mine.”
      Please let me know if I can help, in any way.


  1. Oh Adelie…. I saw that movie too in theaters and I was struck by the exact same quote. Worry and Guilt (when you’ve done nothing bad) are two unproductive and yes useless emotions and I haven’t found a way to conquer either one. I can handle my anger, sadness (well not extreme grief) and distrust but those two kick my butt every single time. Worry turns into full on panic for me and I react as if it’s all true. In other words if my son is late coming home and doesn’t answer cell phone, my body responds the exact way it would if a sheriff came to my door and told me they’re sorry but there’s been a horrible accident. I seriously wonder if this is a gene or what. This inability to stop worry in its tracks and think positively. Ugh! No wonder I totally like to stick to humor. In reality, I am such a morose person. Big hugs….and great post my dear.


    • Stephanie, I’ve missed you so. I think worrying is a learned thought process. It operates on the misconception that if we dwell on something long enough, we have control over its outcome. It’s more so a preventative (yet ineffective) coping mechanism. As we grow up, we see all of the things that can “go wrong” and forget about those that can “go right.” Thus, we reason that if we expect the worst outcome, we won’t be hurt. I totally empathize with you, my friend. Lately, I’ve been digging into the work of Brene Brown to help sort out some of my “issues.” I highly recommend her book, “The Gifts of Imperfection.” So realize that you don’t give yourself nearly enough credit for the spectacular woman you are, Stephanie. Warm hugs- Adelie


    • You speak the truth! Worrying is no fun, and I’ve decided that it’s not really worthy of my time anymore. So, I’m in the process of discovering what I can do to kick this bad habit. Thank you so much for reading and for your encouraging support!


    • You’re absolutely right, Peter. It’s amazing how quickly our worries can dissolve, once we put everything into perspective. Faith does play a large part in this all, and like you said, wilderness can be a great help. It’s hard to focus on how bad your life is when you’re walking through the woods and witnessing the other creatures that survive justfine without consuming their time with worry! Thank you so much!


  2. Loved the story, it was amusing and the quote was pure gold..except i think my worries are meditations on acid but hey 😉


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